Organic Gardening Course

The Organic Gardening Course takes a whole systems approach to gardening making it suitable for total beginners just starting out, to those a little more experienced, eager to adopt an ecologically sound approach to gardening.  

Now undoubtedly some of you will have been led to believe that gardening organically involves being over-run with weeds.  Or worse still, pests and diseases!  Maybe you’ve been told it’s more labour intensive?  Certainly, this can be the case but equally this could be true of a conventional garden.  So I’m here to share my experience of what makes good practice.  Why you’d be bananas not to garden organically.  And furthermore, I’ll illustrate to you that giving up on chemicals doesn’t equal a weedy, poor and labour intensive garden!   

How to grow nutritious, tasty, low cost but ethical edibles is at the heart of this comprehensive course, making it ideal for those of you concerned with food provenance looking to:

  • Spend less, eat better
  • Reduce your carbon footprint
  • Mitigate climate change
  • Increase wildlife populations

The Organic Gardening Course runs for three consecutive days.  During which time you will develop an understanding of the natural processes on which organic gardening principles are based, how to apply them and why they work.  You will gain knowledge through a combination of talks, plenty of practical exercises and from observations made in our kitchen garden.  

You will also be better placed to find growing solutions to an ever changing climate.

All materials provided.  Light refreshment included. Please bring a lunch.
To include Plant Biology, Soil Health, Pests & Diseases and Site Surveying.

Dates for 2024

April 19th/20th/21st 10am-4pm

August 24th/25th/26th  10am-4pm





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